SugarCRM unable connect gmail

Recently working on the SugarCRM open source software. Due to some user requirement, I need to setup an inbound email (an email feature inside the SugarCRM) connect to gmail for downloading email using pop3. After try few times, I found that the test setting is connecting successfully. But when the scheduler job try to establish […]

PHP call oracle store procedure

For PHP, it is not a difficult task to connect to Oracle database. But recently, I am working on a project that require me to execute the oracle store procedure with pass in some input & retrieve the output. It should be pretty easy, just I never try it before. So I write a simple […]

Javascript select a div content

How to using a javascript command to select and deselect a div tag content? As I know, we can use a select() funtion to select text field value: document.getElementById(‘username’).select(); But the above example does not work for a div or span tag. For the div or span tag, it is pretty simply, just few lines […]

Oracle import & export

Actually, I am a newbie for the oracle database. Never though it before I start my current job. Lucky my company has a oracle expert & always help me to solve those problems.  Today, just want to share some of my experience regarding the export & import for oracle. I was taught to use the […]

Oracle procedure testing

As a developer, most of the time you have to testing on your script output. Some how, you also need to debug into the script & checking on each variable value. In Oracle procedure, if you doesn’t having any debugging tools like sql developer. It is very difficult to trace your procedure whether is working […]